Sunday, July 20, 2008

ice cream...mmm

Here are some pics of "little no-no", as we lovingly call him.

I think he was a little full and tired...what do you think? ;)
In Olivia's car seat, enjoying her toy.

Ice Cream Sunday


Sara said...

Jessica is so cute-I taught her class yesterday. She said, I am going to color this heart with lots of colors because my mom will love it!

Patty B. said...

Little no-no is so cute:)!! and Jessica is so smart. Then Joshy is adorable he just mashes all of his words together to make a new language!!!
LOL!! I remember when you guys came over and no-no was so tired he fell asleep like that its awesome to think about and just laugh, yeaahh, hes that cute:)
Tell Jessica and Joshua that RACHEL says HI:)
-From Rachel

Patty B. said...

Little no-no is sssooo cute And Jessica is so smart!Then Joshy just takes his words and mashes them together to make another language:)
LOL!! I remember when no-no was so tired he fell alseep like that!! when ever i think about it i just laugh, Yeaahh, hes that cute:)!!!!
Tell Jessica nad Joshua that RACHEL says HI!!!
-From Rachel

Jenn said...

That was a really long lick/bite of ice cream Joshua took...I think my mouth would be frozen after that!

You're kids are so cute, and I am still jealous of their GORGEOUS red hair!!

Patty B. said...

You can always tell when Jenny has been around. Her nicknames for people is unparalleled! We finally had to put a stop to her abbreviations when, in her calling Thomas, "T", and Rachel, "Ray,Ray", she started calling Paul, "P", or "P-P". Silly girl!